Essays by Ekowa

The History of an African Emperor.


Lucius Septimius Severus

(Ruled from 193-211 AD)


“The history of a nation is, unfortunately, too easily written as the history of the dominant class.”


Kwame Nkrumah 

Recently, I was reading an article from G.A.P - Global African Presence, by the renowned historian Runoko Rashidi and I read a blurb about the Black Emperors of Rome. Please visit:

According to several noted scholars, Severus was definitely an African.

    'Concealment of the historical truth is a crime against the people.' 

Gen. Petro G. Grigotenko - USSR

The name of Serverus is still used by his unknowing ancestors (most thinking they are white and others who took the name as the ‘Slaves of Severus’ who somehow believe they are true Caucasian Italians. You may see the name as Serverti, Servanti, Servernti or some other derivation thereof.  The TI or ti being the suffix meaning ‘Son of.’

Here is an example of the African/Mediterranean Italian:


John Turturro

Mr. Turturro, who is an excellent actor, physically demonstrates the example of the 'Mediterranean Caucasian', olive-skinned, large features, kinky hair and to close to Africa .  Looks like somebody's relatives crossed over into Egypt .

Lucius Septimius Severus restored stability to the Roman Empire after the tumultuous reign of the emperor Commudus and the civil wars that erupted in the wake of Commudus murder. However, by giving greater pay and benefits to soldiers and annexing the troublesome lands of northern Mesopotamia into the Roman Empire, Septimius Severus brought increasing financial and military burdens to Rome 's government. His prudent administration allowed these burdens to be met during his eighteen years on the throne, but his reign was not entirely sunny. The bloodiness with which Severus gained and maintained control of the empire tarnished his generally positive reputation.' [Re-created picture]

Remember the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe? I loved that movie even thought it is inaccurate; it is one of my favorites. They used the names Marcus Aureilus and Commodus and Lucius and duplicated their historical positions but not their ethnicity. O, poor Lucius was played by a white boy. Oddly enough, the only black man in the movie was played by Djimon Hijonsu (sp) and he was a captured slave had a line in the movie that again ratified e system of White Supremacy, he said in awe when looking at the Roman architecture “I did not know that men could build such things”. That part always makes me cringe! The only black man in the group and he is ignorant of his own people accomplishments. They made it seem like he was an ignorant bushman running in the wild with no culture or traditions. The Nubians (cousins of the Egyptians and Ethiopians) have traded up and down the Nile for centuries - for millennia!

'We shall see that mankind began as a single family; that the family circle widened and widened until it broke into segments, and with that came the illusion that the segments were no longer part of the circle. '

J.A. Rodgers (Sex and Race Vol. 1)

The Nubians

Severus' Early Life and Acclamations

Severus was born 11 April 145 in the African city of Lepcis Magna , whose magnificent ruins are located in modern Libya , 130 miles east of Tripoli . Septimius Severus came from a distinguished local family with cousins who received sufficient consulships in Rome under Antionius Pius The future emperor's father seems not to have held any major offices, but the grandfather may have been the wealthy equestrian Septimius Severus commemorated by the Flavian-era poet Statius .

Did you see it?  It came so quickly you may have missed it!  Let’s read it again!

Severus was born 11 April 145 in the African city of Lepcis Magna , whose magnificent ruins are located in modern Libya , 130 miles east of Tripoli .

An African city whose magnificent ruins are located in Libya ? Yes, contrary to popular believe the Libyans were black Africans and they all did not look like Mohomar Qadaffi (sp). He is an Arab.  There is a vast difference between the folks that live in the northern part of Africa today.

BTW - On C-span the other night Mr. Qadaffi who has now been scared into submission by the powers that be, had the nerve to say, when he spoke he spoke for ALL of Africa !!! What nerve! He said that all Arab should marry black woman…why? To make the Arab!!!!!

Septimius Severus came from a distinguished local family with cousins who received suffect consulships in Rome under Antoninus Pius. The future Emperor's father seems not to have held any major offices, but the grandfather may have been the wealthy equestrian Septimius Severus commemorated by the Flavian-era poet Statius.

Where did his family get their wealth? They must have been something for a poet to write about. Doesn't this scenario sound like the film Gladiator with Russell Crowe? I think that is where they got the idea.

Severus came from a distinguished equestrian (horse breading and training) family.  Remember, we talked about being from the royal African household [mother] and therefore you could lay claim to the Kingship of ALL nations (natural and spiritual) through your royal linage? This seems to be another case in point.

"The future Emperor was helped in his early career by one of his consular cousins, who arranged entry into the senate and the favor of the emperor Marcus Aerelius Life as a senator meant a life of travel from one government posting to another.

Moorish (black folks who conquered, ruled and shaped Spain , England and France ) attacks on his intended post of Baetica (southern Spain ) forced Severus to serve his quaestorship in Sardinia . He then traveled to Africa as a legate and returned to Rome to be a tribune of the plebs [neophytes to the Egyptian Mystery system]. Around the year 175 he married Paccia Marciana, who seems also to have been of African origin. The childless marriage lasted a decade or so until her death."

Look ‘a here! Here are the Moors fighting and striving against their cousins once again. They could not even admit what was historically obvious…they said ‘…seemed to have been of African origin’.   So, Brother Severus married a sista' (what a shock) and that’s when they happened to mention that he was an African too! Let us look at the fine print and stop being lazy readers.

Here another scholar tries to hide the obvious.

Severus was born 11 April 145 in the Phoenician Punic city of Lepcis Magna .


Remember who the Phoenicians were?  They were Africans!  Don’t get lost in the words or names they call our family. Same folk’s different locales.

 'The Phoenicians were a coastal branch of the Canaanites, who, according to Biblical traditions, were the brothers of Kush (Ethiopia) and Mizraim (Kmt)--members of the Hamite ethnic group.  In other words, the Bible states that the ancient Canaanites, Ethiopians and Egyptians were all African nations. Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop claimed that "Phoenician history is therefore incomprehensible only if we ignore the Biblical data, according to which the Phoenicians, in other words, the Canaanites, were originally Negroes, already civilized, with whom nomadic, uncultured white tribes later mixed."   While acknowledging the Biblical data, Diop cautioned that the economic relations shared by the Kamites and Phoenicians should not be minimized in explaining the strong sense of solidarity which generally existed between them.  There was frequently a Kamite presence: military, diplomatic, religious or commercial, both in the Canaanite hinterland and the Phoenician city-states themselves, and Diop goes on to state that, "Even throughout the most troubled periods of great misfortune, Egypt could count on the Phoenicians as one can count more or less on a brother."

The Moors, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Egyptians, Libyan, Nubians, all are part of the same family and bloodlines they are all Africans of various shades, facial features and hues.

Moorish Soldier

St Maurice and the Roman Pope

A case which shows the strong link that developed in Europe between the word "Black” and "Moor" is that of non-Muslim Moors. A host of non-Muslim figures are also described as Black and Moorish. These included the Black St. Maurice (pictured above) whose name translates as "like a Moor."  

St. Benedict the Moor: 

"Continuing with religion, Saint Benedict the Moor is a saint of the Catholic Church. He was born at Fradella, a village of the Diocese of Messina in Sicily in 1526; he died April 4, 1589. His parents were slaves from Ethiopia. Because of Benedict's religious piety, their master freed him. Furthermore, owing to his strict virtues he was made superior of the monastery of Santa Maria de Jesus at Palermo. He devoted his life to caring for the sick and needy. He became known as "The Holy Negro." He was sought by persons from every class on matters of religion and other human concerns. He died at the age of 63; as a consequence of his God-filled life, a vigorous cult developed immediately after his death. His veneration became especially popular in Italy, Spain, and South America. The city of Palermo chose him as its patron saint. He was pronounced Blessed in 1743 by Pope Benedict XVII and was canonized in 1807 by Pope Pius VII." Adib Rashad

Back to the Black Emperor:

After Severus’ first wife died, he married another woman (probably another sister) and had 2 sons.

While in Gallia Lugdunensis in 187, the now-widowed future Emperor married Julia Domna a woman from a prominent family of the Syrian city of Emesa . Two sons quickly arrived, eleven months apart: Bassianus (known to history as Caracalla) in April of the year 188, and Geta in March 189.

Remember; don’t look at the word Syrian and think of the people who occupies the region NOW.  Think Africans in antiquity!

His sons became co-Emperors after his assassination.  Now check this out!

News of Pertinax's assassination 28 March 193 in an uprising by the Praetorian Guard quickly reached Pannonia , and only twelve days later on 9 April 193, Severus was proclaimed emperor. Septimius Severus had the strong support of the armies along the Rhine and Danube, but the loyalty of the governor of Britain , Clodius Albinus was in doubt. Severus' envoys from Pannonia offered Albinus the title of Caesar, which he accepted.

Now what does Albinus mean?  Albino? Briton was called Albion or the Albionus region, like Albana - but why use that name? Take a look!

Albinus Africanus

It is a designation of a skin condition in this case? And are they giving us a historical hint through his name? 

Albinus was the Governor of Britain.  But, again, why would his name be Albinus? Was it to differentiate him from the other Britons or designate that they had been black but are now Albino?

According to Dr. Francis Cress-Wellsing.  The Caucasian is the reject albino children of the African who later moved north into Europe  and returned with anger in their hearts and an Oedipus complex (my addition). Oedipus dreamed of marrying his mother and killing his father according to Sigmund Freud - another Ashkenazi Jew who believed Moses was the Egyptian King and monotheist - Ankhenaten.]

If Clodius Albinus were Caucasian, why repeat the fact again in his name? This is an attempt to give us a clue. It's a clue not only to the location he lived in but, his true heritage.   Maybe we can find another clue to this little conundrum.

“Decimus Clodius Albinus[2] (c. 150 - February 19, 197) was a Roman usurper proclaimed emperor by the legions in Britain and Spain upon the murder of Pertinax.

Albinus came from an aristocratic provincial family in North Africa and held the governorship of Britain by 192.

'Born in North Africa , Albinus was born into a wealthy, senatorial family and received an aristocratic education. He seems to have been younger than Severus, so his birth should probably be placed ca. AD 150.As a "blue blood," Albinus may have enjoyed preeminence among senators of his generation and so may have more quickly passed through the various stages of a senatorial career.

Born in North Africa....well Albinus was born in North Africa .  So could he have looked like Jason Kidd? I am not saying Jason is an Albino, but we do have people in the African spectrum that re light as mil and dark as night.

Jason Kidd

I have a dear friend that has Albanio traits and she is 100% sista’ militant and she has a deep love for her people. She told me of so many occasions that white people thought she was white and spoke ‘freely’ about black people until she called them on their racism crap. They labeled her white but she identified as a black woman.  

What is a Blue Blood?

What does that mean exactly? We were told that If you could see the blue veins then you are royalty – but is that so or something else? Over time, as we all know, definitions, idioms, and original meaning are lost in translation and time.

The ancient and the American equivalent:

"Unlike so many other expressions, this one is well documented. It’s a direct translation of the Spanish sangre azul. Many of the oldest and proudest families of Castile used to boast that they were pure bred, wanting no link with the Moors who had for so long controlled the country, or indeed any other group. [The Moor were dark Africans].

As a mark of this [their whiteness and so-called purity], they pointed to their veins, which seemed bluer in color than those of such foreigners. This was simply because the blue-tinted venous blood showed up more prominently in their lighter skin, but they took it to be a mark of their pure breeding. So the phrase blue blood came to refer to the blood, which flowed in the veins of the oldest and most aristocratic families. The phrase was taken over into English in the 1830s.

 'Mr. Ryder might aptly be called the dean of the Blue Veins. The original Blue Veins were a little society of colored persons organized in a certain Northern city shortly after the war. Its purpose was to establish and maintain correct social standards among a people whose social condition presented almost unlimited room for improvement. By accident, combined perhaps with some natural affinity, the society consisted of individuals who were, generally speaking, more white than black. Some envious outsider made the suggestion that no one was eligible for membership who was not white enough to show blue veins.'  Excerpted from: The Wife of His Youth Charles Waddell Chesnutt, 1858-1932

Like another future rival, Pescennius Niger, Albinus won fame early in Commodus' reign as a commander battling barbarians along the Dacian frontier. Albinus served as a suffect consul, probably in the mid 180s, after which he undoubtedly held more than one provincial governorship. By 192 he was governing Britain , Rome 's northernmost province, which experienced continual disruptions from attacks by Caledonians along the frontier."


"Pescennius Niger (c. 140–194) was a Roman usurper from 193 to 194. The name " Niger " means "black", contrasting him with one of his rivals for the throne, Clodius Albinus, whose name means "white". Pescennius Niger however was also black in regards to skin. This is recorded in the history of Cassius Dio book 75."

Pescennius Niger

Wesley Snipes

So, there it is the Albinus (the blue blood/blue vein Jason Kidd brother) and Peccennius Niger [The dark-skinned -Wesley Snipes type brother].  Seemingly it would read to be the White and the Black but it is not. It is the Light-skin and the Dark-skin of the African Family. Although Albinus was born in Northern Africa he was transplanted to Briton. There were Africans in Briton during the time of Tacitus the Roman historian of 80AD according to J.A. Rodgers says:

As regards to color, Tacitus, Roman Historian of 80 AD distinctly mentions the 'dark complexion and the unusually curly hair' of the Silures, or Black Celts, who occupied England together with fair-skinned, fair-harried people.  He believed that the Black Celts had migrated there originally from Spain (Moors). Professor Elliot Smith also fins that ' The populations which occupied Northern Africa ( where Albinus was born] the whole Mediterranean littoral, the Iberian Peninsula, Western France, and the British Isles before the coming of copper, were linked together in the closest bond of affinity.' (Pg 196 Sex and Race vol. 1)"

Who were the Black Irish? The phrase is now used as a curse in Irish circles.

"David McRitchie, a folklorist and researcher of British history - says' the best proofs of the Negro origins of some of the noble (blue-blood) British families are 'the thick lipped Moors' on their Coat of Arms.  Some families are still named MOORE or MOHR, or MOOR.  Berry 's encyclopedia Heraldia says; ' Moor's head is the heraldic term for the head of a black or Negro man,' (Sex and Race, pg 198)."

Read just a bit more and the light will come on.

"The Civil Wars with Albinus, Niger and Didius Julianus. "


Nominally Emperor for two months, Marcus Didius Severus Julianus had an authority that hardly extended beyond Italy or even Rome itself. Didius Julianus would gain historical notoriety only for the means by which he became Emperor, by winning the bidding at what has been called the "Auction of the Empire."

Didius Julianus was born 29 January, probably in Milan and in the year 137. Typical of the international elite coming to the fore in the Antonine age, he is said to have been the offspring of a multicultural marriage. His father's family was from Milan, while his mother's family came from Hadrumetum in Africa (modern Sousse, Tunisia ). On his mother's side, Didius Julianus was related to the prominent Antoine jurist and consul Salvius Julianus, and the young Didius Julianus also enjoyed the support of Domitia Lucilla, the mother of the Emperor.

In the city of Rome , Didius Julianus gained the support of the praetorian troops and was promoted as the successor to Pertinax. Although Julianus' authority did not extend much beyond Italy , Severus understood that legitimacy for a Roman emperor meant having one's authority accepted in Rome . He and his army began a swift march to the city. They met practically no resistance on their advance from Pannonia into northern Italy , as Julianus' supporters defected. By the beginning of June when Severus reached Interamna, 50 miles north of Rome , even the Praetorian Guard stationed in the capital switched sides. Didius Julianus was declared a public enemy and killed. Septimius Severus entered Rome without a fight.

Civil war was not yet over. Another provincial governor also had his eyes on the throne. In Syria , Pescennius Niger had been proclaimed emperor on news of Pertinax's death, and the eastern provinces quickly went under his authority.

So, Didus was an African too!  And had close ties with the second wife of Severus…hummm.

Severus the African Emperor had allies in Britain and in Africa and parts of the so-called Middle East/Asia. One was named Albinus and the other Niger .  Albinus was not from Albany …or Albania , he was an African, and so was Pescennuis Niger . He was obviously from Niger .

It’s still an African thang….


Didius Julianus

Didius was bi-racial – or as we would put it; “He was a red-bone or fair skinned brother.” And who was Pescennuis Niger ?  Pescennuis Niger ?  Pescennuis Niger ?  He was an African too!

G. Pescennuis Niger

But from the accounts in His-Story you would not be able to tell. So let look at some modern day visuals shall we?  Here we have Jason Kidd, Wesley Snipes and Rick Fox they represent Albinus , Niger and Julianus. 


Kidd                              Snipes                                      Fox

Now, let’s recap: Albanus , Niger and Julianus were all African! Just like the above pictures. [NO not biracial which is the modern divide and conquer designation] It was Black men vying for the throne or Emperor-ship dare I say it? The CAESAR-ship of Italy ! Yep, we were large and in charge.

HOW?  WHY? Keep in mind the concept of CaeSar and keep reading!

Let’s continue…

Byzantium became Niger 's base of operations as he prepared to fight the armies of the west loyal to Severus.

Niger was unable to maintain further advances into Europe . The fighting moved to the Asian shore of the Propontis, and in late December 193 or early January 194, Niger was defeated in a battle near Nicaea and fled south. Asia and Bithynia fell under Severus' control, and Egypt soon recognized Severus' authority.

By late spring, Niger was defeated near Issus and the remainder of his support collapsed.

"The first great temple built specifically in honor of Isis was begun in Dynasty XXX by Nectanebo II (360-343 BC) who built the Temple of Isis at Behbeit-el-Hagar, which lies between Tanta and Damietta in the Eastern Delta."
"The cult of Isis was widespread in the Egypt of the dynastic period. From Egypt it spread northwards to Phoenicia, Syria and Palestine; to Asia Minor; to Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, Samos and other islands in the Aegean; to many parts of mainland Greece - Corinth, Argos and Thessaly amongst them; to Malta and Sicily; and, finally, to Rome. In the first century BC, Isis was perhaps the most popular goddess in the Eternal City , from which her cult spread to the furthest limits of the Roman Empire, including Britain : her only rival was Mithras. Barbara Watterson, The Gods of Ancient Egypt .



Issus was in Syria close to Israel.  Issus is named after the African (Egyptian) goddess Isis.  Remember the original African Hebrews were Egyptian. So why were these Syrians worshipping a Black Isis?

Syria was pacified. Niger was killed fleeing Antioch. Byzantium,however, refused to surrender to Severan forces. Niger's head was sent to the city to persuade the besieged citizens to give up, but to no avail. The Byzantines held out for another year before surrender. As punishment for their stubbornness, the walls of their city were destroyed.

Byzantine Black Madonna

Polish, Czechoslovakian, Romanian and Austrian?

If it is true that a large proportion of the ancient miraculous Madonna’s of the world are black, why is this phenomenon generally so little known today? A poetic verse from 1629 catalogues some of the national shrines of Europe , all of which, at the heart, seem to represent an ancient tradition of devotion to a statue of the Black Virgin. Many such Black Virgins exist, often having survived centuries of war, some in large basilicas, others in village churches, yet others in museums and libraries. Many more are also in private hands, for a variety of reasons. Some are painted statues, others are murals or paintings, and some are statues carved from ebony.

Some of the most famous Black Virgin shrines are Chartes, Loreto, Zaragoza, Rocamadour, Montserrat , and Guadalupe. Early textual references describing images of Black Virgins are few, although Peter Comestor (12th c. biblical scholar of Troyes and Paris ), St. Bernard of Clairvaux (an early leader of the medieval Knights Templar) and Nicephorus Callixtus (1256-1335), the Byzantine church historian, all have had something to say on this subject.

Many Christians, both clergy and laity, simply accept that these shrines to the Black Virgin, and the loyal, fervent devotion they foster, are ultimately inexplicable, a mystery of the divine feminine. Some writers believe they represent a Christian form of Isis , as a mother with child. These shrines are believed to have special healing powers, among other things, and to be places where newly married brides can go for fertility blessings. There is also a strong religious folk tradition connecting the Black Virgins to the medieval Knights Templar and also with Mary Magdalene.

BTW did you know that Romania were the exiled Romans?

"Severus died in York on 4 February 211 at the age of 65. His reign lasted nearly 18 years, a duration that would not be matched until Diocletian. Culturally and ideologically Septimius Severus connected his reign to the earlier Antonine era, but the reforms he enacted would eventually alter the very character of Roman government. By creating a larger and more expensive army and increasing the influence of lawyers in administration, Severus planted the seeds that would develop into the highly militaristic and bureaucratic government of the later empire. "

Side bar:

Did anyone ever get the joke that the Governator - Der gropin' Fuhrer, Arnold SwartzaNegger meant Arnold the Black from Niger ?

The name Niger has taken different twists and turns:

Negger, Niger, Neiger, Neger and so on.  I found one family site that said their children form Krakow Poland (Eastern Europe) were Neigers ( Niger ) and the children were name Afra [black]…like in Africa . Neiger is also an Israeli name.  

What about SwartzaNegger? Schwartz means black and Negger means a man from Niger...sooo.....

    "There are also Black Madonna's in Austria , Belgium , Russia , Finland and the former Yugoslavia "

'Like a river, her darkness comes from numerous sources, a multiplicity of streams. She surfaces in European and Near Eastern sites where black meteorite stones [Kaaba] fell out of the sky and were then venerated. She rises by healing waters, streams, rivers, and deltas. In some places, she is associated with storms, lightning and thunder. Her waters are fed by streams of a tradition where black symbolized Wisdom, the Womb of God. In the world of medieval mystics the Womb of enlightenment from the East, from Africa , the Root, the Wisdom herself. She is rising to remind us that what we call darkness is invisible light. That ninety percent of what is - is invisible. That darkness matters, is to be valued, treasured.'  

Black Madonna

Roman Isis

Legitimization of the Severan Dynasty

Severus also took steps to cement his legitimacy as Emperor by connecting himself to the Antonine dynasty. Severus now proclaimed himself the son of Marcus Aurelius, which allowed him to trace his authority, through adoption, back to the emperor Nerva.

Julia Domna was awarded the title "Mother of the Camp" (mater castrorum), a title only previously given to the empress Faustina the Younger, Marcus' wife. Bassianus (see Elagabalus), the emperor's elder son, was renamed Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and given the title Caesar. It was this last step that marked a decisive break with Albinus.

Albinus had remained in Britain as governor during the struggles between Severus and Niger . Although Albinus had not attempted open revolt against the emperor, he seems to have been in communication with senators about future moves.

By the end of 195, Albinus was declared a public enemy by Severus. The governor of Britain responded by proclaiming himself emperor and invading Gaul .

Gaul – where was that?  All of Europe it seems to me…

gôl , Lat. Gallia, ancient designation for the land S and W of the Rhine, W of the Alps, and N of the Pyrenees . The name was extended by the Romans to include Italy from Lucca and Rimini northwards, excluding Liguria . This extension of the name is derived from its settlers of the 4th and 3d cent. BC—invading Celts, who were called Gauls by the Romans. Their cousins in Gaul proper (modern France ) probably had been there since 600 BC, for the Greeks of Massilia ( Marseilles ) knew them.

All these Africans running around Europe taking control…how could that be?

Again let’s look at something else:

Severus also took steps to cement his legitimacy as emperor by connecting himself to the Antonine dynasty. Severus now proclaimed himself the son of Marcus Aurelius, which allowed him to trace his authority, through adoption, back to the emperor Nerva.

Through adoption huh? Well, what were the cases of adoption in the early years of mans history?

Adoption Criteria:

1.  There were two forms of adoption in Roman law. Adrogatio had the affect of extinguishing one family line (merging it into another) for the purpose of saving another.

a. Originally, only a paterfamilias (clan or family head) could be adrogated.

b. When he became adopted, he lost his patria potestas and he and all of his family became subject to the patria potestas of the adrogator. Generally, the adrogator had to be at least 60 years old, have no descendants of his own, and be at least 18 years older than the one to be adrogated. During most of the Roman era adrogation had to be approved by the legislative body (comitia curita).

2.  The second form of Roman adoption, adoptio, affected only an individual, and not his family. The adoptee first had to be released from the potestas of his prior paterfamilias. This was affected through a fictitious sale. The Twelve Tables provided that if a father sold his son three times, the son was free. So the paterfamilias would sell his son to a straw man twice (who would transfer him back) and the third time he would be sold to the adopter.

Serverus was adopted by Marcus Areulius, after his first wife died he married Julia Domina and had 2 sons who later became co-Emporers of Rome .

But, who was Julia, the second wife?

Julia Domna

Julia Domna (PIR2 I 663) was born about 170 in Emesa of Syria as the younger daughter of Julius Bassianus (PIR2 I 202), priest of the sun god Elagabal. As such, she was part of the local aristocracy. Having come to the attention of Severus because of her promising horoscope (as shown above) she married him, probably in 187, and bore their first child, Bassianus the future emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus, known as Caracalla, on 4 April 188. About thirteen months later, she gave birth to a second son, Geta.  


The Severeus family with the African Son at looked like him erased.

Now, when you look up Elagabal it gets kinda crazy.  That worship was said to be Roman monotheism or the worship of a transsexual and human sacrificing cult, BUT…need to do some more research on it because His-Story has been known to change the reputations of many for it own interest and promotion. It’s called dis-information.

At any rate the Emperor Elagabalus who changed his name and was Severus’s son Bassianus, became Roman Emperor under the name of Elagabalus (A. D. 218). Had African features and he was the high priest of the Elagabala cult in Syria .


The god Heliogabalus:

A conical, black, meteoric stone from Emesa served as the idol of the sun-god, which Heliogabalus married to the Syrian moon-goddess Astarte, introduced from Carthage (North Africa) and whose high-priest became Pontifex Maximus of Rome . Could this be like the Kabbah except for the shape?

The origin of Kubaba may have been kube or kuba meaning 'cube'.

The stone associated with Cybele's worship was, originally, probably at Pessinus but perhaps at Pergamum or on Mount Ida. What is certain is that in 204 BCE it was taken to Rome, where Cybele became 'Mother' to the Romans. The ecstatic rites of her worship were alien to the Roman temperament, but nevertheless animated the streets of their city during the annual procession of the goddess's statue. Alongside Isis, Cybele retained prominence in the heart of the Empire until the fifth century BCE - when the stone was then lost. Her cult prospered throughout the Empire and it is said that every town or village remained true to the worship of Cybele. There is no indication as to where this stone originated, but since it pre-dates the revelation of the Holy Qur'an and Muhammad's prophethood, and even kissed, it must stem from the time of Abraham since the Hajj traditions are traceable to the patriarch of monotheism.


Secular historians point to the history of stone worship, and especially meteorite worship, in pre-Islamic Arabia, and say that it is likely that the Stone is a meteorite [see Isis]. There is no way to test this hypothesis without removing and examining the Stone, which would not be permitted by its guardians.



Isis and Astarte are the same goddess. Isis was the original.  So, Heliogablus may have been the Egyptian Osirus. So, here we are again the icons of other nations originating in Egypt with the African.

Emesa was renowned for its temple of the sun, adored here in the shape of a black stone, whose priests formed a powerful aristocracy. Ee Anu or Heliopolis and Zion all cities to honor the Sun.  Catholic Encyclopedia

Ponifex Maximus means POPE! The Pope was originally from the cult of Isis and Osirus.

The Pontifex maximus was the leader of the pontifical college (collegium pontificum), the highest priestly order in the Roman state religion.

The pontifical college was made up of the fifteen priests, flamines, each of whom served a single god or goddess. The flamines were also called pontiffs, or pontifices (sing. pontifex).

One member of the pontifical college was co-opted by the college as the leader, hence the title pontifex maximus. Initially only one of the three flamines maiores could be pontifex maximus, but towards the end of the Roman Republic the rules were changed. After 104 BCE the pontifex maximus was elected in a sort of limited popular elections between candidates acceptable to the college, and all the pontifices were eligible. The title was held for life.   

The last to hold the title of pontifex maximus under the Roman Republic were Julius Caesar (62-44 BCE) and M. Aemilius Lepidus (44-12 BCE). After Lepidus the title passed to Augustus, and henceforth the title of Pontifex Maximus would be a prerogative of the emperor. It remained so until the 5th century when it passed to the Pope, who have used the title ever since.

The title pontifex means literally "bridge builder" because they bridged the gap between the world of man and the world of the gods.

pŏn´tĬfĕks măk´sĬmes), highest priest of Roman religion and official head of the college of pontifices. As the chief administrator of religious affairs he regulated the conduct of religious ceremonies, consecrated temples and other holy places, and controlled the calendar. During the time of the empire, and until Christianity became firmly established, the emperor was designated Pontifex Maximus.  After the supremacy of Christianity, the popes assumed the title.

Pope Gregory changed the calendar form the ancient time until now. We go by the Gregorian calendar - so the year is not 2004 we may be in 2020 or 2030 by now!

Let me say here, just because it is African does not mean it is or was correct.  I believe the farther you get away for the source of the spiritual knowledge, the more you err.  We still have to rightly divided truth in all things.  As in anything, we have as a people turned our face away from the Creator and in doing so we have found ourselves worshipping at the foot of all manner of heinous activities including human sacrifice. If this is true in this case then Elagabalus may have been one of those brothers that went off the true path by misunderstanding the African and mixing it with Europe. The past Pope in Roman John Paul is an avid Madonna worshipper which is an ancient link between Roman and Egypt .


Proverbs 18:1 

My Conclusion:

There were definitely African Emperors of Rome.  During the time of Severus there was a vying for power between of Africans. Most of the noted warriors who fought with or struggled against Severus and those who came before him were African. All the Rome looked to Africa as the seat of Civilization and of all natural and spiritual Kingship. Albinus who was almost positively an African with vitiligo ruled Britain and Gaul . Niger was wholly African and Julianus was bi-racial (if that is a term).  the area in and around Europe including Rome across the Mediterranean and the so-called middle East was under African control or influence either physically or spiritually. Severus initially married an African woman and then married a Syrian (location not ethnically) whose Father was the high priest for the Sun god Elagablus. (Similar story to Joseph and Osnath and their 2 sons Manasseh and Ephraim. Osnath’s father was the priest of On or Heliopolis the 2 sons of Severus were co-Emperors of Rome after his death and the concept of Pope came from Africa .

Brothers and Sisters: Read between the lines - There you will see the missing pages of world History and, world History is African History!


Just a friendly visual reminder: We come in all shades and His-Story cannot change that fact.


‘All roads lead to Rome ’ then it was Africans that paved the way. Genetics will always tell the truth. All roads lead to Africa is the reality of the situation.


Note: What did the title Caesar or Cae-Sar actually mean?  The title Caesar of Emperor is from the root word Sar from the name/title of Sara(i) the wife of Abraham. 

        'And Abram [father] and Nahor took them wives; the name of Abram wife was [Princess] Sar-ai…’ Gen.11:29.

“And Father and Nahor took them wives; the name of Father’s wife was Queen.”

Queen of what? Is that why se could easily turn the head of a Pharaoh? Could a simple wife of a nomad become the wife or concubine of Pharaoh?

Tacitus the Roman historian of 80AD said:

‘Everyone knows Abraham was an Ethiopian.”

Sarai according to Strong's Concordance means: Lady noble or queen.  Sarai Abraham’s wife was said to be his sister.  SAR means: head person (of any rank and class) General, governor, keeper, Lord, master, prince or princess, ruler or Stewart. 

Queen Tiye of Egypt

Historically the African Dynasty or rulership had to be through the Ethiopian woman and that truth was passed on in the name of Caesar, Czar and Kaiser and Nebuchadnezzer all terms for Ruler or King. Specifically from the line of the Ethiopian, and according to Diop, Clarke, Huston, Malcioln, and other notable and reliable scholars the Ethiopian/Egyptian mélange is the key to all discoveries.  The titles listed above were adopted by the European in order to legitimize their claim of world rulership.

But, as the word states:

'Not by power or by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord....'

Julius Caesar understood this and so did Mark Anthony; both courted the Ptolemaic and racially mixed princess Cleopatra in order to rule the world.  That world was and still is AFRICA .

National Geographic Map information - copyright July 1997

‘A client kingdom under the Republic, Mauritania was annexed to the Roman Empire by Caligula in AD40. This and other North African provinces produced esteemed Roman citizens. By the rise of the African Severian Dynasty, many of Rome ’s senators were from Africa .’

This may also account for the rise in [African] Church fathers in the Hebraic-Christian religion from 100AD-400AD although many were killed.  This is another example of Study…look into history.

"Interestingly, at least ten Africans became Emperors of Rome. They are listed on the historical record as the following: Macrinu, Firmus, Emilianus, Septimius Serverus, Pescennius Niger, Aquilus Niger, Brutidius Niger, Q. Caecilus Niger, Novius Niger, and Trebius Niger who was a proconsul in Spain. Africans were authorities on medicine and they were often quoted by Caelius Aurelianus and Galen. Other noted Africans were Domituis Afer, orator, Arnobius Afer, Christian writer; and Victorianus Afer, a scholar of rhetoric whose statue was erected in the forum of Emperor Trajan...Fronto was another exceptional African writer; he taught the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, who was up to a point depicted accurately in the movie Gladiator. There was Apuleius another African writer, and Slavius Julians, an African who edited the Paraetorian Edict.

 …Again because it bears repeating: African history is World history.


'As long as you are convinced you have never done anything, you can never do anything. '

Malcolm X


Power to the People!


Blessings to all,



Bibliography/ Sources

Anthony R. Birley, Septimius Severus: the African emperor, 2nd edition (New Haven, Conn.: Yale, 1988)

Cassius Dio, Roman history, bk.76, ch.7-bk.77, ch.2 (available in English translation in the Loeb Classical Library)

Herodian, bk.3, ch.13-bk.4, ch.4 (also available in the Loeb Classical Library)

Historia Augusta, Life of Geta (highly untrustworthy; English translations available in the Loeb Classical Library and in a Penguin translation, Lives of Later Caesars, tr. Anthony Birley

André Chastagnol, Histoire Auguste (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1994), pp.425-29

Michael Meckler, Caracalla and his late-antique biographer: a historical commentary on the Vita Caracalli in the Historia Augusta (diss. Univ. of Michigan, 1994) Excerpted from, Michael L. Meckler -  Copyright (C) 1997

Catholic Online Encyclopedia

Sex and Race - Volume 1 - J.A. Rodgers

The Lies My Teacher Told Me – James Loewen

Africa and the Africans of the Old Testament - David T. Adamo

African Origin of Civilization, by Cheikh Anta Diop
African Presence in Early Asia, edited by Runoko Rashidi and Ivan Van Sertima.  

References from Edofolks:

Romans and Blacks, By Lloyd A. Thompson (University of Oklahoma Press, 1990)
Septimius Serverus: The African Emperor, By Anthony R. Birley (Yale University Press, 1988)
Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience, By Frank M. Snowden (Cambridge University Press, 1970)
Before Color Prejudice, By Frank M. Snowden (Cambridge University Press, 1984)
African Glory The Story of Vanished Negro Civilizations, By J. C. deGraft Johnson (Black Classic Press, 1986)
History of The African People Vol. II Africans in Europe, By G. K. Osei (The African Publication Society, 1971) .




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